My Favorite New Energy Bar

Ah....the energy bar. Just hearing the words conjures up a mental "taste" of something not so tasty. Strange flavors and consistencies abound in the "nutrition bar" family of supplements. But a few products have crossed over into something that actually tastes good as well as being good for you.
The latest entry into this column is Balance Bar's new High Protein Almond Brownie Balance Bar.
Unlike competing bars, it has a sweet, chocolately bite with a nutty aftertaste. And it doesn't taste like chemicals or preservatives, while packing in an impressive 14 grams of protein and only 6 grams of fat.
If you're looking for a tasty alternative to those other energy bars, give it a try.
(Props to client and ultimate tipster Mark Joseph for the most excellent recommendation).
The Almond Brownie Balance Bar 14g Protein, 22g Carbs, 6g Fat, $1.60US.
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