What's a Couch Potato to Do?

I know I should exercise, but I just dread it. I used to run, but now I can't even drag myself out of bed in the morning. I'm just not a morning person, and I don't have any energy. What can be done for a person like me?
The key is to discover what really appeals to you, because in the long term, that's what's going to keep you exercising. Many studies have explored what separates those who adhere to exercise versus those who want to exercise but don't adhere. Time and time again, these studies show that the people who adhere to exercise have discovered activities that they truly enjoy doing, so find something that you like.
Just getting a little bit of activity in each day will make a big difference to your overall health. If you're not a morning person, don't fight it. And don’t beat yourself up if you can't run a marathon just yet. You have to eat that elephant one bite at a time. So go for a walk in the afternoon when you have more energy, and each time you walk, try to go a little further. Slowly build your endurance and soon you'll be able to jog or run a little. Remember, True fitness is a lifestyle choice. Try to establish lifelong patterns of sustained action, not just momentary lapses of activity.