The Rules of Fast Fat Loss

When you're trying to shed fat quickly, there are three rules you need to follow:
You'll boost your metabolism by eating little, evenly-spaced meals during the day. Try to get roughly the same number of calories at each meal. You need to eat a minimum of four meals, but if you can get five or six, that's even better. The worst thing you can possibly do is to eat one, large meal per day. If you're one of those folks who starves themselves all day and eats a huge dinner, you're virtually guaranteeing that you'll store all those calories as fat. You'll never shed fat this way. By eating small meals, evenly spaced, you won't feel extremely hungry and you'll be less likely to over-eat.
There's a lot of controversy in dietary circles about fat consumption, but I am a believer that if you cut excess carbs, you will shed excess fat. While cutting carbs, you need to raise your intake of lean, clean, quality protein sources. To drop body fat, start off by cutting your carbs in half. This will be challenging, but it works. While you do this, add more protein (25-50% more) to your diet.
Eat less, or no pasta, cereal, rice, and all sugar. Try to eat more egg whites, non-fat dairy, skinless turkey and chicken breasts, lean roast beef, and whey protein.
I've seen many clients start a diet or meal plan, only to give up when the going gets tough. As my college piano teacher used to say to me: "Sam, if it were easy, everyone would do it." Getting leaner and achieving the body of your dreams is not going to be easy, and it's not instant. To make it come true, it is essential that you stay motivated.
I keep a workout journal, and in the first few pages of every journal are a list of my physical strengths and weaknesses. On page 3-4 of the journal are a list of my goals: one year, 6 months, 3 months, and one month. I read this journal often. I write down inspiring quotes that I see, and pictures of others who I admire. This has been essential to my own success.
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