Help! My Nipples Are Moving Across My Chest

Help! —Chad
It's probably very comforting and reassuring to all of my female readers that females aren't the only ones who worry about this issue. It affects us guys too!
I have two theories as to what could be happening to you.
The first is skin displacement. In other words, when you work your chest muscles hard, (which causes growth) the skin can shift and stretch to accomodate the new growth, thereby causing what appears to be "nipple displacement."
Also, the prominence of nipple placement on the chest crosses a wide spectrum, depending on genetics. Nipples can be inverted toward the center of the chest, or, they can be positioned outward toward the outer edges of the chest.
Your problem was actually addressed by the great, late bodybuilder Steve Reeves. Steve said that a problem such as yours could be helped by only doing incline chest exercises to correct saggy, fatty lower pecs. To follow Steve's solution, you'd want to perform incline barbell bench presses, incline flyes and incline dumbbell presses, which all will help to develop the upper area of your pecs along the clavicles. This will help lift the entire chest and give your lower chest a more defined appearance.
Remember, genetics are a factor. You can only work within your genetic map. It's possible to optimize your given potential, but you cannot change it completely. I hope this helps. —Sam
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