Thursday, August 17, 2006

An Ounce of Prevention...

There's an old saying: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Research shows that in men, this is especially the case, since guys are generally more "hard headed" about getting medical input, often waiting until it's too late.

We need to care for our bodies a little more like we take care of our cars. After all, at the first sound of anything wrong with our cars, we have the hood up and we're checking it out. We ought to have the same attitude about our bodies.

So, guys, when it comes to your health—don't procrastinate!

Here are 11 tips I recently found for preventing common medical problems. Think of these as a checklist for good health.

1. Avoid tobacco and illicit drugs.
2. Exercise regularly.
3. Eat well.
4. Stay lean.
5. Limit alcoholic drinks to one or two a day (if any).
6. Avoid excess stress.
7. Wear a seat belt
8. Behave prudently to avoid accidents.
9. Minimize exposure to ultraviolet rays, radiation, chemical pollutants or other environmental hazards.
10. Use protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
11. Listen to your body, report any problems to your doctor, and get preventive medical care.